Joe Biden tests positive for Covid, cancels event in Las Vegas

Joe Biden tests positive for Covid

Joe Biden tests positive for Covid: US President Joe Biden tested positive for Covid-19 following his initial event in Las Vegas, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Wednesday.

President Biden, who is vaccinated and also had a booster dose, is experiencing mild symptoms and will return to Delaware to self-isolate while continuing to fulfill his presidential duties, according to the White House.

Joe Biden tests positive for Covid

Jean-Pierre assured the public that the President remains in good spirits despite experiencing mild symptoms.

"The White House will provide updates on the President's health status as he will continue his full duties of the office while being in isolation," she said.

According to a note from the President's doctor, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, Biden exhibited upper respiratory symptoms, including a runny nose, a non-productive cough, and general malaise. Although he initially felt well enough to attend his first event, Biden later underwent point-of-care testing for Covid-19, which came back positive.

The US president has begun treatment with his first dose of Paxlovid and will self-isolate at his home in Rehoboth, Delaware, following CDC guidelines for symptomatic individuals. PCR confirmation testing is pending, the note added

Biden Campaign pressure

The cancellation of the Las Vegas event comes amid increasing pressure from donors and elected Democrats in Washington for Biden to withdraw from the campaign following his disastrous performance in a debate against Donald Trump last month.

Biden faces strongest call to drop out of race

Top Democrat leader Adam Schiff on Wednesday (Jul 17) publicly urged United States President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race for another candidate. House Representative Schiff became the most heavyweight Democrat so far to ask Biden to make way for somebody else to face Donald Trump.

Schiff stated that he doubts that the 81-year-old incumbent can defeat Trump, whom he described as a threat to "the very foundation of our democracy."

Schiff called Biden "one of the most consequential presidents in our nation's history.

A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the president can defeat Donald Trump in November,