PM Boris Johnson Not Allowed To Vote Former UK PM Boris Johnson Not Allowed To Vote In Local Elections Turned Away From Polling Booth; Here Why
Saturday, 04 May 2024 04:00 am


Former Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Boris Johnson was recently refused voting during local elections and he was turned away from the polling booth because he did not have his voter ID card with him. Know what happened...

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was turned away from a polling station during the United Kingdom’s local elections due to his forgetfulness regarding ID, a requirement he himself had introduced while in office, CNN reported. Polling station officials had to refuse Johnson’s attempt to vote in South Oxfordshire on Thursday when he arrived without the necessary photo ID, CNN reported, citing PA media. Johnson made a subsequent trip back with the required identification and successfully cast his vote.

Mandate For Photo ID Voting

The mandate for photo ID in voting was established under Johnson’s Conservative government through the Elections Act 2022, a move that garnered significant criticism upon its inception. The UK’s Electoral Commission cautioned in 2023 that the requirement could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of individuals, particularly affecting the unemployed and ethnic minorities. A report from a cross-party group of Parliament members in March echoed concerns, highlighting the risk of millions of voters being disenfranchised in future elections due to flaws in the electoral registration system. It pointed out that the ID requirement restricted voting access, especially since only certain forms of ID were deemed acceptable, according to CNN.

Among those affected by the ID policy on Thursday was army veteran Adam Diver, who expressed disappointment when his veterans’ ID card was rejected at the polling station. Veterans Minister Johnny Mercer extended an apology to Diver, acknowledging the timing mismatch between the ID issuance and the legislation. He pledged efforts to rectify the situation before the next opportunity arose.

Local Elections In United Kingdom

The local elections, spanning more than 100 councils and various mayoral positions, unfolded across the country on Thursday. Preliminary results, with roughly a third of the outcomes announced, indicated substantial losses for the ruling party, including over 100 council seats and a parliamentary seat in a by-election. These outcomes align with national polls, which depict Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his party trailing significantly. Moreover, the results signal a potential victory for the opposition Labour Party in a hypothetical general election held imminently