pakistan declare emergency rains kill 41 people in Pakistan as authorities declare a state of emergency in southwest
Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 18:30 pm


Lightning and heavy rains have killed at least 36 people,  mostly farmeres across pakistan on the past three days, officials said Monday, authorities in the country's southwest declared a state of emergency. Most of the deaths occurred when lightning struck farmers harvesting wheat and rains caused houses to collapse in eastern Punjab province, said A ..Arfan Kathia, a spokesman for the provincial disaster manage ment authority. He said more rains were expected this week.


Punjab, Pakistan's largest province, bore the  brunt of the devastation, with 21 fatalities
ttributed to lightning strikes between Friday and Sunday alone.
"I have asked the NDMA to coordinate with the provinces... and for the NDMA to provide relief goods to are where damages occurred," said Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Monday, emphasizing the need for swift action in response to the crisis.