Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin will not be invited to French D Day anniversary in June
Wednesday, 17 Apr 2024 04:00 am


Russia will be invited to the French ceremony in June to mark 80 years since the World War II D-Day landings, organisers said Tuesday (Apr 16).

the Russian president attended the 70th anniversary of the landings in June 2014, despite the annexation of Crimea just months earlier.

The Liberation Mission organising committee said: "In view of the circumstances, President Putin will not be invited to take part in the commemorations of the Normandy landings." The committee didn't elaborate on the circumstances.

"Russia will, however, be invited to be represented so that the importance of the commitment and sacrifices of the Soviet peoples, as well as its contribution to the victory of 1945, can be honoured," it added

Meanwhile, Putin on Tuesday urged all sides in West Asia to refrain from action that would trigger a new confrontation, the Kremlin said.

Putin and his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi held a phone conversation about what the Kremlin called "retaliatory measures taken by Iran".

Vladimir Putin expressed hope that all sides would show reasonable restraint and prevent a new round of confrontation fraught with catastrophic consequences for the entire region," the Kremlin said.

"Ebrahim Raisi noted that Iran's actions were forced and limited in nature," the Kremlin said. "At the same time, he stressed Tehran's disinterest in further escalation of tensions